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Claiming a Refund


Claim Refund occurs when users attempt to invest in a product, but their entire investment doesn't get invested into a specific tranche due to a significant deviation between deposits in each side of the vault. Note that not every user will have the claim refund option at the end of the subscription period (users must claim their refund before deciding to withdraw).

Step 1: Once the Subscription period is over, check whether your investment made it to the pool by clicking on the "Markets" page in the navigation bar.

Step 2: On the Markets section, click on the relevant Liquidity Pool and Platform, then select the tranche (side of the vault) where you had previously deposited funds.

If you have any funds to claim, it will appear in the product card (on the right side), showing the actual "Refund Amount".

Step 3: Refunds are executed in two steps. Click on the "Approve" button. (Please refer to the note below regarding SPTokens and permissions)

NOTE: On your wallet, click on the "Confirm" button to grant our contracts permission to access your SPTokens. SPTokens are used to represent your shares of the product that you have invested in and will have to be returned when you are claiming excess tokens that were not invested or during withdrawal. SPTokens uses the ERC1155 token standard, which can represent both Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Fungible Tokens. It is considered an NFT by Metamask and hence you will be prompted to grant our smart contract permission to access an NFT.

Step 4: Wait for a top banner to appear, confirming the approved transaction.

Step 5: Once confirmed, click on the "Claim Refund" button to retrieve your funds and confirm the transaction.